
Our team comprises professionals with a deep understanding of workers’ compensation billing and regulations. We are well-versed in the intricacies of medical coding, fee schedules, and industry-specific billing practices. This specialized knowledge ensures that every bill is meticulously reviewed for accuracy and compliance.

Cost savings

Our bill review process is geared towards identifying overcharges, duplicate billing, and billing errors. By meticulously scrutinizing each invoice, we help you realize substantial cost savings. This means you pay only what is fair and reasonable, minimizing unnecessary expenses.


We understand that time is of the essence in workers’ compensation cases. Our streamlined review process expedites bill resolution, ensuring that claims move forward smoothly and swiftly.


Whether you’re a self-insured employer, a third-party administrator, or an insurance company, our solutions can be adapted to align with your specific requirements.

Our detailed reporting provides transparency and insights into the billing review process. You’ll have a clear understanding of the savings achieved and the improvements made, facilitating informed decision-making.

About us

We provide workers’ compensation claim negotiation and sign-off services.

Liberty Asset Recovery specializes in providing comprehensive workers’ compensation claim negotiation and sign-off services that are tailored to your needs. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of workers’ compensation regulations and insurance processes.

Our approach is twofold. First, we excel in skillful negotiation with providers, advocating for the best possible settlements on your behalf. We understand the complexities of these negotiations and work diligently to secure favorable outcomes.

Second, our sign-off services are designed to streamline the administrative side of workers’ comp claims. We handle the paperwork, documentation, and communication with all relevant parties to ensure a smooth and efficient process. This not only saves you time and effort but also helps expedite the resolution of your claims.

With Liberty Asset Recovery, you can trust that your workers’ compensation claims will be managed with expertise and care.

Liberty Asset Recovery’s in-house counsel is committed to helping you maximize workers’ compensation savings, all while ensuring there are no additional costs for you as the consumer. Our legal experts are well-versed in navigating the complex landscape of workers’ compensation claims and regulations. By leveraging their expertise, they identify opportunities to streamline processes, negotiate favorable settlements, and minimize unnecessary expenses. This diligent approach not only safeguards your financial interests but also ensures that any savings achieved come without any added burden to you.

A few things we’re great at

In choosing Liberty Asset Recovery for workers’ compensation specialty bill review, you’re selecting a partner dedicated to optimizing your claims management process, reducing costs, and ensuring compliance—all while delivering exceptional results.

Integrating your software with Liberty Asset Recovery’s systems can greatly enhance workflow efficiency and collaboration.  

To initiate this integration, we can work closely with your IT team or software providers to ensure a seamless connection. The goal is to create a symbiotic relationship between your software and ours, ultimately optimizing your operations and enhancing the value we provide to you and your customers.

By seamlessly connecting your tools with our specialized platforms, you can realize several benefits:

Streamlined Data Sharing

Integration allows for real-time data sharing between systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing errors.

Enhanced Communication

Your software can communicate directly with ours, facilitating smoother communication and task assignment among team members.

Automated Processes

By automating routine tasks and processes, integration frees up valuable time and resources, enabling your team to focus on more strategic activities.

Data Insights

Combined data from both systems can provide valuable insights, helping you make more informed decisions and identify opportunities for improvement.

Improved Customer Experience

A streamlined workflow often leads to quicker responses and better service for your customers, enhancing their experience.

Increased Productivity

Integration can boost overall productivity by eliminating redundant tasks and improving data accuracy.

Our Team

Meet our team

Sean McLaughlin

President & CEO

Thomas McLaughlin

Chief Financial Officer

Courtney McLaughlin

Executive Vice President

  • Phone: 1-800-224-7053
  • E-mail: connect@libertyassetrecovery.com
  • Address:
    Liberty Asset Recovery, LLC
    PO BOX 371918
    Key Largo, Fl. 33037
    Phone 1800-224-7053
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